Compare MakeForms with Jotform and Typeform, the leading form builders today, and see how MakeForms has so much more to offer.

MakeForms Vs Jotform Vs TypeForm Comparison Table

Features MakeForms Jotform Typeform
Starts at $29 / month $39 / month $29 / month
Submissions 5000 per month 1000 per month 100 per month
Verify Email Adress 
Collect data within the email
Verify Mobile Number
File Storage 10GB 10 Gb 1 Gb
Remove Platform Branding
Publish on your domain
Create Multiple Links
Default Data Encryption
Step Forms 
Number of templates 100+ 2 1
In-Built Pivot Tables
Type of Forms One at a time, Step Forms, Full Forms One at a time, Step Forms, Full Forms One at a time only
HIPAA Compliance Available only in top plan Enterprise Only 
SOC 2 Compliance  Only for Enterprise clients
ISO 27001 Compliance 
Upload your own fonts
Advanced fields
[ Linked Dropdowns, Image
Radio & checkbox, Pill
Radio & Checkbox, NPS Surveys]
Password Protected Forms 
Close Form on a specific date

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